Wednesday, March 31, 2010

March overview.....

wow....i havnt been blogging very much lately at all!!

ive been a very busy girl :)

some good and some very very annoying!

so an update.............

last few weeks i went to lots of open homes because our landlord wanted to move back in so we had to move house....very annoying!! as Emmanuel works mon-sat every week, long hours....i basically had to do all the running around looking for a place....which i guess is good for me :)

Good news......a unit became available in the exact same block we already lived in!!! whats the chance hey??
so last tuesday, straight after the interview i had with David Jones, we got the 'YES' so we could now move in!!

so no more looking for a we had to start packing/moving!!
that tuseaday was a very interesting day....i had the interview and was told it was between me and 3 girls......we then got the call to say we got the unit in our block.....then later that day we also got a call to say that 40 guys on Emmanuels job site had been made redundant because the 250 workers there had to be narrowed down to 100 over a few weeks as the work was drying Emmanuel lost his job that Tuesday!!! what a day!!!

that wednesday and thursday i was not a happy girl.....i just had 2 days of not really coping....its not like me, im normally a positive "look at the bright side" kinda girl....but not for 2 days!!! I was sick of interviews.....sick of waiting to hear back.....and now not happy that Emmanuel was out of work and we had to move on friday!!

Friday was a very busy day!!! we moved house, and even though it was still in the same unit block....we had to go up a set of stairs and then down 1 set to get outside....then walk around the block of units to the other side.....then up 3 sets of longer stairs to our unit!!! now if you do that once, its not so bad....but if you literally do that non-stop from 9am till about 7pm with only about a 20min break for lunch in the middle......whilst also carrying various items from your house....lets just say we were EXHAUSTED!!!!! i was aching in every muscle of my body from my head/neck to even my toes!!! it was the best work out EVER!!! (i was actually aching very badly from then untill the following tuesday!!!!)

My sis in-law and her fiance came around her fiance could help Emmanuel carry the heavy things like fridge and washing machine etc.....thanks so much to them!!

Now (Wed 31st March)...looking was a bit of a tough week...there was a lot of stuff going on and i did have a couple 'bad' days......but we are now happily settled into our unit and are glad its all done.....Emmanuel is still looking for just trusting something good will come thru for him.......

and now some good news :)

I GOT THE JOB WITH ESTEE LAUDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got a call last night to say i was so happy!!!!!!! i am very grateful that they chose me as i have to admit i was getting very nervous that i may have missed out!!

So that was a great ending to MARCH....what a month its been!!!!

tomorrow i am helping out a different store with sportsgirl as they are working 12-9pm........its gonna be a long day!!!! hope it flies!!

Well to end happy and grateful i got the EL job, cant wait to start (prob 1.5weeks away) happy we have moved and i like our new place! and im hoping and praying Emmanuel gets another really good job soon....but its nice for him to have a rest because he works so hard!! when one door shuts, another always eventually opens!!!

Im sure April will be a great month, looking forward to Easter.....and next week im also going to a NEWSBOYS concert at Hillsong church.....we got the tickets a few weeks ago so im really looking forward to it!!

Have a great day everyone
Lots of love

ps....i had a haircut, its exactly the same style just a lot shorter....needed doing cause it was starting to look like a mop!! :) so pics soon!!
and ive also decided that next time i need a colour done im going red for winter....with a few diff shades of red foils thru the long section at front of my face!!! so soon i will be a racy red head :) hahaha

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